Exclusive distributor of MetalTec TC thermal insulation in Angola
MetalTec TC is a new alternative to traditional thermal insulation offering the same coefficient of insulation but applied more economically and in thinner layers.
- A waterborne paint and single component coating applied with spray gun or brush in thickness ranging from 600-800 microns per layer.
- Applied on pipes, boilers tanks, vessels, evaporators, distillators, crystalizers, or any surfaces at service temperatures from 15° to 240°C without shutting down the installation.
- Complies with the environmental protection charters. It is a “green” product certified as non-hazardous, non-toxic and biodegradable.

Why choose it
Main advantages of MetalTec TC products
Eliminates CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation)
Avoids shutdowns (can be applied on hot surfaces up to 200°C)
It is watertight
Easy to apply (airless spraygun, roller or brush)
Minimal Surface preparation (SA2)
Very surface tolerant. Can be applied on steel, aluminum, concrete, wood etc.
Fire retardant A Class
Ideal for Personal protection (passes test ASTM C 1055-99)
Perfect inspectability due to thin thickness
Easy to repair (paint touch up)
Offers acoustic on industrial sites: 11 to 14 dB
Lighter than other insulations materials
Significant costs savings in labour costs
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Tank roof insulation in action from MetalTec TC
We are specialized in insulation services and are the only Angolan company offering both traditional lagging and an innovative liquid thermal insulation from MetalTec TC.